
Towards today…

Embarking on a journey that began during my university years, I delved into the intricacies of recycling through a course I took. Under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Selin Mutdoğan at Hacettepe University, I learned about utilizing groundwater, pumped from sources 25 meters below the building, to maintain a constant home temperature of 15 degrees. Exploring methods like painting building facades black, installing glass, and planting trees for winter heating became part of my knowledge. This eye-opening education allowed me to question our contemporary lifestyle. Traveling to LEED-certified buildings revealed their distinctive features, climate control, and their overall eco-friendliness. Watching the release of the movie 'Avatar' during this period, I found myself angered by my ecological footprint, prompting me to scrutinize every piece of waste. Inspired by the waste management system in Amsterdam during my travels, I implemented similar practices at home. Pursuing my master's degree, with the support of my respected advisor, Prof. Dr. Adnan Tepecik, I ventured into my chosen thesis topic: 'sustainable furniture production.' Engaging in interdisciplinary design training under his mentorship, I integrated a part of my envisioned production method into my thesis and am now launching my startup and filing for a patent in this field.

Identifying Challenges...

Following the thesis process, I met Selin Uzun on social media, who recommended watching 'Cowspiracy,' revealing the environmental damages caused by the livestock industry. Struck by what I saw, I immediately adopted a vegan lifestyle after a year of strict dieting. Currently, I rarely consume meat and continue to explore myself throughout this journey.

Observing that, according to some beliefs, our species evolved from bacteria, yet still strives to transcend the instinct of 'avoid pain, seek pleasure.' The long-term ability to think and fulfill responsibilities over time is considered a luxury for a significant portion of humanity. So, who is responsible for addressing these problems?

We've brought a solution!