Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Services


We make sustainable production with our raw materials that are 100% recyclable and created from waste. In this way, none of the products we produce go to waste and you will have an agreement with a company you can work with for a lifetime. In this way, we avoid producing waste through recycling and aim to reduce the damage caused by the furniture industry by 90%.

Of course, just like everything undergoes anthropy, our biocomposite also wears out after a while. But we have a solution for this too. We use our worn biocomposite as a building material and include it again in our product range. Our raw material, which continues its life cycle in buildings this time, continues to maintain its efficiency for many years.

You purchase the product per kilogram, including labor and design costs. In the meantime, you are automatically registered in our system. In this way, the kilogram of your old product is deducted from the kilogram of the new product you purchase. That means; YOU BUY THE RAW MATERIALS OF THE PRODUCT YOU BUY ONLY ONCE! While we produce your new product order and deliver it to you, we take your old product and include it back in our common raw material pool. In this way, we all take responsibility and contribute to the transformation of a common system.

So far, we have had the chance to experience what it means to be a designer in Turkey. For this reason, we know that we will grow together and change traditions. We can change the system ourselves by creating our own community. For this reason, when you design a product and send it to us, we first produce this product ourselves and add it to our portfolio after proving its feasibility. In this way, you earn 5% of the profit from each product sold. On the one hand, we will have surprises for the designers of the best-selling products on this journey! Our hope is to reach hundreds of designers and turn into a world brand!

You can watch the tutorial video about the working logic of our printer by clicking the box below, so you can start designing in any drawing program that you can convert to STL format for us. You can then contact us at, obtain our confidentiality and employment agreement and share your design with us after doing the necessary research. After the trial printing, we will contact you and inform you about whether your design can be placed in our portfolio!