
Available 3d Printer


Monthly Production Capacity


Trees Planted


Agricultural Waste Consumed


Granular Used


Furniture Produced

Factory Of Us

Sustainable Furniture Production with 3D Printing

At Factory of Us, we are revolutionizing the furniture industry with our cutting-edge 3D printing technology and commitment to sustainability. Our personalized design services allow you to create furniture that is truly one-of-a-kind, and our eco-friendly manufacturing process ensures that every piece is built to last.



We develop special designs and produce them for you, or we produce your own designs if they are compatible with our printing systems.



After making the material suitable for 3D printing, we start producing your design furniture with our special 3D printing machine.



Our biocomposite material is 100% recyclable & eco-friendly. We take your old furniture back when we deliver your new furniture!


Factory Of Us

User Experience

User Experience

We produce 100% recyclable furniture with 3D printers.

We facilitate the collaboration between designers and customers on a single platform and assist you in tracking the entire process through automation. We enable fast production, merge it with recycling, thereby ensuring a minimum of 90% reduction in the environmental impact of the furniture sector.

  • Recycable
  • Fast Production
  • Automated Tracking

What Do Our Mentors Say About FactoryOfUs ?

Our biocomposite raw material is 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.

Dear Betül was my student, and I served as her advisor for her master's thesis. She possesses an enthusiastic, inquisitive, creative, and innovative personality. My belief in her success was unwavering, and she has indeed proven herself. Dear Betül, I take pride in your achievements, and I am confident that you will contribute significantly to our country through your commendable endeavors.

Başkent University

A project that offers a fresh perspective on resource utilization and waste management, addressing two of today's most pressing issues through the lens of sustainability. Providing valuable insights into the future of production in the furniture sector, this initiative offers clues on how manufacturing should evolve to meet the demands of sustainability.

Selin Sepici Mutdogan
Hacettepe University

A project with the potential to transform the furniture sector, considering the needs of future generations. I have full confidence in the team's expertise, believing they will succeed in achieving their goals!

Berke Sarpaş
Entrepreneurial Warrior